What lessons have you learned?
I was speaking about a person I have lost. When I finished my story, my dad took a long sigh and gave me a warm smile. He asked me what is the mystery of this person? I looked at him confused because I didn’t know what he means by “mystery”. He said everyone we meet has a lesson for us. God doesn’t give us situations, struggles, or a person without purpose. Everyone and everything that we cross paths with is a lesson. Who am I after this experience ? So what was the lesson I learned from that chapter of my life? What did I learn from all this? What was I supposed to grab and take with me from this person? What am I supposed to bury? I’ve been thinking about this all day. So I’m telling you too, remember whoever and whatever comes your way is teaching you something. What did you learn? If you haven’t learned anything go back. Think that chapter through. Once you are able to learn from it you will also learn to let it go. No one and nothing is put on your path by accident. Everything is shaping us.
Love, Zahra